Makers Market at the Troy Waterfront Farmer’s Market!
While I have been working on recovering from bronchitis over the last week, I have felt the mounting pressure to tell everyone this incredibly exciting news! I will be part of the Troy Farmer’s Market this summer!
This is a huge step for me. I have always enjoyed the pop-ups and artisan festivals that I’ve been part of over the last few years. At most, I think I have done 3 tabling events in one year. Last year, while we planned our wedding and I had limited time to be an artist, I knew that 2023 would be the year of the markets. A super challenge that would keep me creating, progressing, and - well - putting myself out there!
This will be the first time I have a regular tenting schedule. I will be at the Troy Farmer’s Market once a month from May until October. I also intend to be part of the markets I’ve attended in the past; the Fall Fling in Cooperstown, and the Holiday Market at the Arkell Museum. Totaling a minimum of 8 tabling events for 2023!!
Hopefully, by the end of this year, I will be a hyper-organized pro!
Certainly, there are nerves…
Certainly, there is a lot of work to be done - and supplies to be ordered - and new art to make...
But, this will be worth it!
The goal has always been to create a sustainable business that allows space and the ability to keep creating art. The goal is to enjoy this space and the community by supporting other artists and supporting local businesses. It is an education on how to enjoy life and slow down. It’s about creating and sharing the joy of art and creativity with others. Of course, any tabling event is a ton of work, from set-up to breakdown, it is a literal space completely dedicated to art. It is a space to live and breathe in a completely creative space. It is so motivating to be inspired by others!
It also gives me the highest pleasure when my art speaks to someone and fills a need - the reminder/symbol of a loved one, or someone’s favorite animal in a new style. I look forward to hearing the stories that come to mind through art. The chance to hear another’s perspective is incredibly rewarding.
And, finally — through the Troy Farmer’s Market, you will find me downtown in my favorite little city, doing something that I love. It will force me to keep putting myself out there, so I can discover my potential as a small business owner. It will help me visualize the next step of what I want from Kristin Bergene Creative LLC. This is a huge step.
Oh - I cannot wait!
Want to join me?
For those who are interested, I will be looking for a partner to join me for each of the dates. If you want to hang out, enjoy a little Farmer’s Market energy (food and drink), and want to talk about art/life/books/cats/etc., let me know! Just let me know the date that works for you and I’ll send you all the details.
Alright - off to clean my home before DnD this afternoon!
xxx, Kristin