A New Career!

A few months ago an opportunity presented itself. It was one of those moments where the path became clear, even with any natural nerves. The uncertainties, the choice to let go of routine, the challenge of learning a ton of new things - I did not see a future where I would say no.

I have accepted and begun a new career as the Manager of the HASS Advising Hub.

After 6 years of working with engineers, whom I adore, it is a wild feeling to find myself back in the academic culture of humanities. There is so much that I owe to the SoE. Through their leadership, I was presented with so many opportunities to grow as a young professional and gain confidence as an advisor. I will be eternally grateful to every person who helped me along the way. I’ve worked really hard to get to this point, and I have built a lot in my higher education career. This will certainly be a new level as I head into the administrative side of supporting students, but every element of this career change is exciting to me.


While I cannot predict anything, as I do not yet know, what I do not know, I will continue to be intentional when it comes to my art! While I have always been working hard in my career, I have also been working hard to grow my little art business. Now, I understand that there might be times when I will not have the brain space to be creative - in this I am realistic. However, I plan to take it a step at a time - knowing the first year will always be the hardest.

Being an artist is who I am.

That will never leave me - even in times when I accept new challenges!


Thank you to all those who pushed me, supported me, and believed in me!

Your encouragement means everything.

xxx, Kristin


A Rare Quiet Sunday


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